A Fine & Rare Cased 5 Shot 50 Bore Tranter Patent First Model Self-Cocking Percussion Revolver.
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12 ¾” overall, 6 ½” blued octagonal sighted barrel engraved around the muzzle & with scrolling foliage on each side of the breech, stamped with London proof marks, foliate and border engraved blued top flat signed ‘Wilkinson & Son London’. Blued border engraved frame, trigger guard & trigger guard butt strap, all with foliate scrollwork, case hardened butt strap, border engraved & with foliate scrollwork, the right side of the frame engraved ‘Adams’ Patent N° 20,518Y’, the front frame stamped ‘50’ and engraved ‘FBW’. Case hardened border engraved cylinder stamped with London proof marks, blued safety catch, arbor pin & catch, bright patent double trigger stamped in an oval ‘W. Tranter’s Patent No. 112’. Finely chequered walnut butt with case hardened foliate engraved butt cap. In its original green baize lined & fitted mahogany case with side catches and circular brass escutcheon on the lid engraved ‘R.F.B.Ward.’, containing bag shaped copper flask by James Dixon & Sons, double cavity brass 50 bore mould for pointed bullets stamped in an oval ‘W. Tranter’s Patent No. 50’, cleaning rod with rammer, jag & worm ends, case hardened & bright Tranter patent detachable rammer stamped ‘W. Tranter’s Patent’, oil bottle, turnscrew, nipple key with pricker, Eley Bros. japanned cap tin containing caps, & some original 50 bore balls. Wilkinson & Son Trade label.
Circa 1854
In good condition with most original finish.
William Tranter traded from 13 St. Mary's Row Birmingham from 1849 to 1875, and between 1853 and 1865 was granted six British patents relating to revolvers and their accessories. He was licensed by Deane, Adams & Deane to make complete Adams' self-cocking revolvers and to use Adams' patented frame for his own revolvers.
Major Francis Beckford Ward R.A. Served in the Crimea and commanded the British troops at the Battle of Tchernaya August 16th 1855.
An archive of his 70 of his letters running to 700 pages were sold in 1996.
Sold with some research.