About us
We are one of the leading specialist dealers in the UK of Fine Antique Arms & Armour. Our carefully selected stock, mostly English Flintlock & Percussion Firearms, Swords & Armour, is ever changing and has added to the collections of Museums as well as private collectors. We have been instrumental in starting many fine collections for people whose first introduction to the subject was our shop window, novices whose interest we have nurtured with advice and guidance, sharing the benefit of many years of our experience both as collectors and dealers.
The business was originally started in 1986 by my father, John Spooner, following many years of him being an avid collector, and I joined him at our Dorking shop in 1990 having worked at Christies and then traded independently.
We have earned an enviable reputation for our expertise and probity and take great care to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, the accuracy of the descriptions of the items we offer for sale with regard to age, origin and condition; our terms and conditions allow customers complete peace of mind. Our business has been built upon the rapport established between us and our customers, over many years, both in the UK and overseas.
I am always happy to discuss your collecting interests by telephone, email or by welcoming you to view our stock. West Street Antiques exhibits at the leading UK specialist Arms and Armour fairs. If you would like to receive our email newsletter please see details on our Contact Us page
Philip Spooner