A Very Fine Cased Pair of Saw Handled Percussion Duelling Pistols by W. & J. Rigby.
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15” overall, 9” etched twist sighted barrels each signed ‘W&J Rigby Dublin’ in gothic script along the top flat. Case hardened breeches each with three platinum lines and pierced platinum plug, foliate scroll engraved case hardened tangs and border engraved detented back action locks, the former each with back sight, the latter signed ‘W&J Rigby in gothic script on a scroll, foliate engraved hammers, highly figured half-stocks each with characteristic spur and chequered rounded butt with ovoidal pommel, steel mounts comprising border engraved pommel-caps each with retaining screw centred on a flower-head, spur trigger-guards decorated with a martial trophy on the border engraved bow, trigger-plates each with finial engraved with a scallop shell, vacant silver escutcheons, barrel-bolt escutcheons and fore-end caps, set triggers, original brass-mounted ramrods, one with powder-measure, the other with threaded cap over the worm, in original lined and fitted oak case with some accessories including brass-mounted three-way powder-flask with embossed body, bow tie tool, loading rod, bullit mould and cap tin. The exterior of the lid with flush-fitting brass carrying handle on a shaped brass plate.
Numbered 7108/9 for 1831.
Very high quality pistols in fine condition with some original finish.
See D.H.L. Back, Great Irish Gunmakers: Messrs Rigby 1760-1898, 1992, page 70. Recorded as 'Best saw-handled duelling pistols'