A Very Rare Polish Winged Hussars Karabela Sword.
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37”overall, 31” curved single edged blade with three narrow fullers struck on both sides with armourer's marks. Hilt with iron guard with long quillons and langets engraved with stylized feathers, thumb ring. Iron stepped, flat topped pommel. Wooden grip covered with leather.
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Mid-17th century.
Bibliography: W. Kwaśniewicz, Szablapolskaod XV do końca XVIII wieku, 1988; A. Nadolski, Polskabroń, brońbiała, ZakładNarodowyim. Ossolińskich, 1974; W. Zabłocki, Szableswiata, 2011; T. Jarnuszkiewicz, Szablawschodniaijejtypynarodowe, 1973.