A Fine, Rare Cased Pair of Percussion Officers Duelling Pistols by Forsyth & Co. 15 ½” overall, 9” browned twist octagonal 16 bore sighted barrels signed ‘FORSYTH & CO., PATENT GUNMAKER'S, LONDON’ along the top flat, London Proofs, and Irish Registration mark K-B 438/9. Case hardened octagonal breeches each with two platinum lines and pierced platinum plug, border engraved case hardened tangs each decorated with foliage, signed ‘FORSYTH & CO., PATENT’ border engraved, serial numbered, detented back-action locks each engraved with foliage and with safety catch, hammers en suite with the locks. Highly figured butts with chequered grip and flat ovoidal pommel with butt trap and skull crusher blade pierced with a lanyard hole, blued D-shaped spur trigger guards each decorated with swirling foliage, numbered 4013 &4014 on the tangs. silver escutcheons engraved ‘GWK’, swivel ramrods.
In their original lined and fitted mahogany case with a full complement of accessories including brass mounted three-way powder flask with red leather covered body, mallet, loading rod, steel bullet mould, cap tin, turn screw, oil bottle and mainspring clamp. The interior of the lid with maker's trade label of sixth design for 1828-38,
Nos. 4013 & 4014. Circa 1835
Pistols of the very best quality and of an unusual design retaining much of their original finish. Very few pairs know to have been made.
For a very similar cased pair of pistols (nos. 4129 and 4130) see D.H.L. Back, Great British Gunmakers, Forsyth & Co. Patent Gunmakers 1806-1852, 1995, pl. 39.