A Very Fine and Rare Percussion Duelling Pistol by Forsyth & Co.
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16” overall, 10” browned twist octagonal 40 bore sighted barrel signed ‘FORSYTH & CO., PATENT GUNMAKERS, LONDON’ along the top flat, London Proofs. Case hardened octagonal breech with two platinum lines and pierced platinum plug, border engraved case hardened tangs each foliate decorated. Signed ‘FORSYTH & CO., PATENT’ border engraved case hardened, serial numbered, detented back-action lock engraved with foliage and with blued safety catch, hammer en suite with the lock. Highly figured butt with chequered grip and flat ovoidal pommel, blued D-shaped trigger guard decorated with swirling foliage, numbered 4022 on the tang. Vacant silver escutcheon on flat of butt, original brass tipped ramrod. No. 4022 Circa 1835.
Of the very best quality and unusual design, retaining much of its original finish. Only 5 pairs of this design are known to have been made.
For a very similar pistols (nos. 4129 and 4130) see D.H.L. Back, Great British Gunmakers, Forsyth & Co. Patent Gunmakers 1806-1852, 1995, pl. 39. We sold cased pair 4010 and 4011 last year.
FORSYTH & CO. A.J. Forsyth, J. Brougham & C.B. Uther, Patent Gun Manufacturers, 10 Piccadilly, 1809-16; 8 Leicester St, Leicester Square 1816-52. Exhibited patent locks and safety gun at the Great Exhibition, 1851.