An Over & Under Percussion Pistol by Kavanagh of Dublin. 10 ¼” overall, 4 ¼” sighted square to round 40 bore over and under barrels engraved ‘DUBLIN’ and decorated with a sunburst on top of the breeches with scroll engraved tang, scroll engraved back action locks signed ‘KAVANAGH’ with engraved dolphin cocks. Double triggers, trigger guard engraved with a trophy of arms, walnut butt chequered at the grip. Swivel ramrod.
Circa 1845.
In very good condition. Much original finish.
William Kavanagh (Jr. was a gunmaker at 11 Dame Street in Dublin in 1840-1849 and then moved to 12 Dame Street. His father was a well respected Irish gunmaker and was active until his death in 1849 as was his brother James who died in 1870.
See "Cavanagh (alt spelling to Kavanagh) the Dublin Gunmakers: Circa 1817-1923" by David Stroud.