A Very Fine Officers Silver Hilted Small Sword by William Kinman.
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37” overall, 30 ½” flattened wide triangular section blade, boat shell hilt cast and pierced with military trophies and scrolls within diamond cut borders, knucklebow, pommel & quillon block decorated en suite. Twisted silver wire and ribbon bound grip with maker's mark of William Kinman. Hallmarked London 1770.Weight 420 Grams.
HM 1770.
A very attractive sword in very good condition by one of the best makers.
William Kinman was a prominent London silver hilt maker and leading member of the Founders Company of which he was elected Master in 1780.
See Leslie Southwick, London Silver-hilted Swords..., 2001, pp. 159-160, for other examples of his work, pl. 56-57, 59, 62-64, 69, 75-77, 79, and 81-82