An Unusual Cased Pair of Officer’s or Coaching Flintlock Pistols by W. Parker of London. 18 ¾” overall, 13” 10 bore round sighted Damascus barrels engraved 'London' along the top flat, London proofs, plain tangs with back sight. Stepped flat locks with hound’s tooth engraved board line, engraved ‘W. Parker’, swan necked cocks, spoon shaped pans. Figured full stocks with flattened rounded butts, brass trigger guards bow engraved with flower head, with acorn finials brass ramrod pipes. ‘S’ shaped side plate scroll shaped escutcheon, original horn tipped ramrods both with a worm. In a contemporary, possibly their original relined, mahogany case with accessories comprising two way brass and copper powder flask, loading rod with jag, steel 12 bore bullet mould and oil bottle. With original W. Parker label. The exterior of the lid with brass flush fitting carrying handle.
Circa 1790.
A very unusual pair of pistols, probably officers pistols, but may have been coaching pistols land used with shot, in used condition, the case relined some time ago and the label refitted.
William Parker worked at 233 High Holborn, 1793-1841; 10 Chamber Street 1839 - 41. Gunmaker to the Duke of Kent, Prince Edward and William IV. He held contracts to ordnance, East India Company and The Hudson's Bay Company. Supplied arms to the London Police from 1803 and Metropolitan Police from 1829. Died aged 68 in 1841. Succeeded by Park Field and Sons.