A Very Fine Officers 1805 Pattern Baker Rifle by W. Moore.
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46” overall, 30 ¼” iron twist carbine bore barrel rifled with 11 grooves with gold lined touch hole, fitted with sword bayonet bar at muzzle. Small blade fore sight, three leaf rear sight, the flat at the breech engraved with the makers name "WM. MOORE, RIFLE GUNMAKER 118 WHITE CHAPEL HIGH ST. LONDON" plain flat bevelled lockplate with stepped tail and bolt safety, the makers name "W. MOORE" set in a recess in a gold block to the centre, v-shaped rainproof pan, roller to frizzen spring and swan neck cock, the lock is detented and the rifle has a set trigger. Brass mounted full walnut stock with finely chequered wrist, raised cheek rest, slit fore-end, the mounts include scroll trigger guard, rectangular patchbox and two rammer pipes, the rifle is fitted with its original adjustable peep sight (which fits in the patch box) and is complete with its sling swivels and rammer.
Circa 1810
Rifle in very good condition, rebrowned barrels, small repair to stock forward of the lock, rifling very good.
William Moore was at 118 Whitechapel 1808-1818.
This is a rare high quality rifle made for an officer or gentleman volunteer for target shooting or service. Baker rifle with all the refinements: detented lock, set trigger and target sights, the 11 groove frictionless rifling is a faster twist than the standard Baker at 1 turn in 30”.
William Moore was a noted shot and a member of Acrotormentarian Society of London. They were the only rifle club to survive the Napoleonic Wars and are still in existence today, William Moore supplied rifles to many of the other members.