A Very Fine Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols by Durs Egg,
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14 ¾” overall, 9" slightly swamped octagonal 54 bore barrels signed D. Egg London in script, engraved with a band of beadwork at the breeches, the rear and fore sights to both pistols removed to allow reactive sighting. Stepped locks signed D. Egg in script, slender swan necked cocks ,spoon shaped pans, the frizzen springs with good traces of original colour, full stocked carved behind the lock tails with a tear drop and with slab sided butts, the plain trigger guards with acorn-shaped terminals retaining traces of original blued finish, horn fore-end caps and horn capped wooden ramrods one with worm. Circa 1775
A very fine early pair of duelling pistols in the manner of John Twigg who Durs Egg had worked for in 1772.
In near mint condition
Ex Wilfrid Ward collection sold Christie’s October 1993.The Catalogue notes these are the earliest known Durs Egg Duelling pistols. Durs Egg son of Leonz Egg, gunmaker, Switzerland. Born 1748, baptised Urs Christian. After a short stay in Paris, came to London and worked for John Twigg, 1772. Granted denization in 1791. Gunmaker; Sword Cutler. Became gunmaker to George IV, Duke of York. Renowned for his fine workmanship.
See Weapons of Honour page 965 by Wilfrid Ward