A Fine 54-Bore Tranter Patent Fourth Model Self-Cocking Five-Shot Percussion Revolver by Rigby & Co,
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12 ¾” overall,6”octagonal sighted barrel engraved around the muzzle and with scrolling foliage on each side of the breech. Border engraved top-strap with 'J.N Rigby & Co Dublin’, case-hardened cylinder with knurled forward edge, border engraved frame No 20935TT and trigger-guard each decorated with scrolling foliage, bright trigger, hammer, and scroll engraved patent rammer. Chequered rounded butt with scroll engraved case-hardened butt-cap, and virtually all its original finish.
In its original lined and fitted mahogany case with full accessories including brass bullet mould, flask, oil bottle, Eley cap tin, tin of bullets, tin of lubricating grease, turn screw, nipple key, brass tipped and loading rod.
Circa 1860
All in very good condition, pistol 90% finish