A Very fine Double Barrel Howdah Percussion Pistol by Cogswell, 13” overall, 7” 20 bore sighted double barrels, signed ‘COGSWELL 224 Strand London’ case colour hardened breech block with single gold line and platinum breech plugs, profusely engraved breech tang retaining all of its original colour, border engraved back action locks, signed ‘Cogswell’ decorated with scrolling foliage and signed. Full stocked in walnut, cut with chequering at the grip, profusely engraved butt cap with hinged trap, foliate engraved trigger guard with pineapple finial, turned ramrod pipe with captive ramrod. In its original lined box, with makers label and complete with accessories including Sykes powder flask, WD (William Davies) 21 bore improved bullet mould, loading rod with jag and oil bottle.
Circa 1850.
Very fine set retaining near perfect original finish.
Benjamin Cogswell 224 Strand 1842-63, Benjamin Cogswell Jr. and Edward Harrison traded from 223 &224 Strand from 1863 to 1881. Still in business as Cogswell & Harrison. Sold cased percussion Tranter Patent revolvers with loading equipment.